Devlog#4: Autobio Midterm Pt 1

This week for Intermediate Gamedev...we had to read  "how to do a gamejam" by Michael Brough
while keeping these questions in mind:

  • which of Michael Brough's steps seem most important to you? why?
  • so... what is your midterm game concept? (2-3 sentences maximum)
  • what will happen in it? how big will your game world be? can you build all that?
  • what will be hard to make? foresee any difficulties? what do you need to learn to do?

I feel like step 5 is most important to me because being able to get hyped about an idea by envisioning it helps me work harder.  If I can see the game actually working in my head or even through mockups I made, I can also figure out the steps it'll take to get to this vision. However, I relate way more to step 6 since it happens every time I'm working on a new game idea. I'll make a few ideas, get really stuck on one, realize the scope is too big and start trying to think of how I can cut out things that will be hard to implement. I can see it definitely happening for my midterm game because I got attached to wanting to make an RPG.

My midterm game is this weird RPG where you stuck in this hallway battling memories from your past. Luckily, you have the ability to switch to different versions of yourself to help with each situation, but deep down you want to find your "true" self. I call it P3rs0n4. 

In all seriousness,  I do plan to have this autobio game be a game heavily inspired by other RPGs I've played, but with some twists and more focus on the 'autobio' aspect through its dialogue.  Players will move through a hallway that has a set of obstacles you need fight in order to proceed. I'm thinking three normal battles + a final boss battle which I'm pretty sure I can do, but I'm worried it'll be too long. The assignment does say it should be 3-4 minutes long, but I'm very attached to this idea. 

With each assignment so far I've been trying my best to challenge myself and give myself an actual motive to do each project that's not wanting a good grade. This project will be hard when it comes to managing my time wisely and making sure what I want to communicate in the game actually comes through.  I'm not sure what I'd need to learn to make the game work, but I would like to learn to make more scripts that I can reuse for other projects like whether it's for dialogue systems, battle systems, etc.
While writing this, I've only made mockups and a checklist for the game so far so we'll see how this goes. 

I think my scope is fine now, but I'm still worried about asset creation.
I want to learn how to make cute lowpoly models ESPECIALLY for the "personas" and the enemies!